When we get together it's not about what we do, but about who is there. We believe in the presence of God and we enjoy His company. We don't do things just because we have done them before; we just listen to God, talk to Him and have a good time.
On a Sunday morning we spend some time worshipping God, by which we mean that we thank him for who he is, for what he has done and is doing for us. We listen to the preaching and we pray for those in need. We will also 'break bread' almost every week to remember the sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus.
As a church we take every opportunity we can to pray for those who are sick, because we know that God heals. We also believe that there are great benefits in praying and sharing together.
During our Sunday morning service there is also 'Kid's Church' - a separate programme for children of primary school age. We encourage children to join in the vibrant atmosphere of worship but provide something engaging for them during the preaching.
This website details what is going on and acts as a point of contact. From time to time you will see various events, presentations and life skills training advertised, more details of which you can find by regularly visiting this site.