
The Ark

Prozac for the soul

Read the WHOLE Bible in just ONE year

Psalms 66 to 69

The writer of the Psalms got depressed.
Sounds a bit 21st century doesn't it?

Ps 42:5 Why am I so depressed? Why this turmoil within me? Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him, my Saviour and my God. 6 I am deeply depressed; therefore I remember You from the land of Jordan and the peaks of Hermon, from Mount Mizar. HCSB

He recognised there was a turmoil within him – but he also had the answer:

- Put your hope in God - Still praise Him - Remember Him

Biblical hope literally means "confident expectation" – not a feeble crossing of fingers like we often mean.
Praising God releases truth into the heavens – our mouths restate the vital core of existence, that God is good.
Remembering Him brings to mind all the goodness of the Lord – the benefits of Psalm 103.
When we remember all He has done, when we join with angels to praise Him and when we place our confident expectation in Him, then we drive depression away.
This requires discipline and commitment, but it truly works!