
The Ark

Here are some examples of things you might see in church:

Sometimes when young people meet pop stars there is hysteria, other times
they are dumbstruck, and occasionally they faint. At a football match people
can go absolutely wild – there is much shouting and singing. In church the same
sort of people meet together and react in similar ways when they encounter God.

Some people want to be very quiet and calm in church, some people weep or laugh. We try to have a balance where people can express themselves before God and the purpose of our gathering can be achieved.

We would love it today if you felt at home with us. Don't be put off by anyone else, just focus on God. All we ask is that you don't draw attention to yourself, but simply worship Jesus. If at any point you are confused or worried, then please talk to one of our leaders who will be happy to answer your questions.

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